
How rare and valuable is this, dad got it imported from Japan way back

It’s a Mitsubishi legnum vr4 either 1998 or 96 features twin turbo and a v6

by SummerTechnical503


  1. HemiHefr

    Its worth nothing ill take it off you for free.

  2. shadypainter

    Not sure about the rarity but that thing is dope as fuck!

  3. LazyEcotec

    Whoa sick! What a bad ass time to be a car enthusiast back in these days. So many manufacturers offering so many choices.

    BTW your upper radiator hose looks kinked.

  4. azusa1997811

    As a wagon lover ,this is pure treasure for me

  5. pterofactyl

    I loved that Mitsubishi made a sport wagon. I have a mate that had one and he loved it. Restored it perfectly. Quite rare but value depends on finding the right buyer. On the general market it won’t fetch more than any other wagon of the same year since most people looking for wagons don’t care for a twin turbo

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