
What’s your favorite “piece of junk” car?

What’s your favorite “piece of junk” car?

by dusktildawnxo


  1. Psychological-Ant908

    Is this the SS turbo? Absolutely not junk. Fisher price interior though.

  2. throwaway1772-92

    I think the cobalt SS’s are a bit overlooked, especially the turbo ones. On another subreddit for like a month there were a ton of these being posted mopping a bunch of cars up, and if im not mistaking, they held a certain track record up until the ’18 civic si de-throned it.

  3. 1GloFlare

    The interior is very cheap, but the body holds up nice. I say this while living in the rust belt. Don’t recall seeing something as cheap that isn’t leaking with an undercarriage dragging along the asphalt

  4. plk1234567891234

    Toyota Mr2 zzw30, it’s literally a detuned lotus elise minus the materials

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