
Chevy extended cab listing

Disappointed there’s no flair for just “batmobile”

by No_Recognition_2434


  1. tunachilimac

    $1,234,567? I’d buy it but I don’t need the extended cab.

  2. AzureBelle

    ah! the flatmobile!

    and seriously, is that plywood?

  3. Conch-Republic

    Someone’s wife made him get rid of his batmobile project he hasn’t touched in 10 years.

  4. trippy-puppy

    Looks more like a single cab, unless there’s room for people to lay down in the front area.

  5. TheKiltedYaksman71

    I kinda dig it. I hope there’s a real cage around the driver under all that plywood.

  6. Skimmer52

    Yeah, wife wants him to get rid of it and he doesn’t want to. The reason for the price 😉

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