
Saw this oddly looking [Rolls Royce Phantom] while going hiking in Swiss countryside

Saw this oddly looking [Rolls Royce Phantom] while going hiking in Swiss countryside

by FrIsz4


  1. Gotta be a story behind this! Probably a wrap, that a popular artist got to paint, an auction piece!

  2. BattleBornHoosier

    Someone saw BMW’s art cars and made it personal when they couldn’t buy one.

  3. Toshiro_Kuroko

    I’m surprised it’s not in Berlin.

  4. NeonDraco

    This looks like it’s styled after John Lennon’s Rolls-Royce.

  5. AdministrativeDot941

    That’s so awesome 🤩
    Cyberpunk kinda style!

  6. Hugh-Chardon

    The cat thought interesting too. Do cats just wander the Swiss Countryside as well??

  7. cos_mic_cow

    Must have been painted by a graffiti street artist. I would rather have a BMW art car

  8. Trustafarian tagged up daddy’s car and went joyriding in the Swiss countryside.

  9. Geedis2020

    Only Rolls Royce I’ve ever seen that I actually liked.

  10. Life_Comfort_7857

    Why hide the plate bro, who cares about the car

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