Electric Vehicles

In Tesla autopilot probe US procecutors probing for security and wire fraud

In Tesla autopilot probe US procecutors probing for security and wire fraud

by New_me_old_self


  1. phil_style

    In a Probe, probing…
    Positively probaic.

  2. redditcok

    Elon committed fraud to prop up Tesla, say isnt so. Lol

  3. LanternCandle

    > U.S. prosecutors are examining whether Tesla committed securities or wire fraud by **misleading investors and consumers about its electric vehicles’ self-driving capabilities**

    > While Tesla has warned drivers to stay ready to take over driving, the Justice Department is **examining other statements by Tesla and Chief Executive Elon Musk suggesting its cars can drive themselves.**

    Thats the part that is going to fuck over tesla. [If you were on a jury would you feel mislead?](https://motherfrunker.ca/fsd/)

  4. biddilybong

    Tesla and Elon have been the most under regulated entities in American history relative to their actions. Once the floodgate opens it’s not going to be good. Probably not a coincidence that a lot of key executives are leaving and there are lots of insider sales despite the stock being down 40%.

  5. I’ve been an owner and a shareholder through this.

    He’s always been very straightforward about what the car can do and what he thinks will happen next.

    Find, he’s been wrong. But nothing there is fraud.

  6. kaninkanon

    Incredibly that it took so long. Nikola gets got for rolling a truck down a hill in a promo, while Tesla has heard nothing for having a video of a “self driving” car displayed front and centre on their product pages for over half a decade prefaced with the statement that “the driver is only there for legal reasons”.

  7. I’d love to just get a refund on FSD after all the false promises.

  8. Mykilshoemacher

    Found to be fraudulent marketing in Germany already 

  9. SonOfThomasWayne

    > whether Tesla committed securities or wire fraud


  10. Temporary-Mammoth848

    Good. Anyone who cares about consumers and holding companies accountable should see this as good news.

    Tesla and Elon Musk lied about the capabilities of their cars for YEARS in order to drive sales and investments. Just look at their official statements and predictions from the last 10 years.

    Unless this guy is just a massive idiot (which to be fair the last few years makes that a very valid possibility) he knew where the technology was and what would *actually* be possible and chose to lie to customers and investors in order to secure funding and sell more vehicles.

  11. WikipediaApprentice

    Elon really wants to destroy Tesla – and leave on a golden parachute.

  12. kenypowa

    Funny how this sub hates FUD against EV but loves FUD when it comes to Tesla.

  13. Operation-FuturePuss

    You think all those execs are leaving and selling their stock for missing estimates last quarter? No. This is why they are leaving. The writing is on the wall. Looking forward to the documentary in about 10 years.

  14. You mean the guy who said that teslas would only increase in value and make you money was misleading? Your talking me tesla with the worst resale value is a ponzi scheme ?

    Say it ain’t so! Lol

    Told ya.

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