Electric Vehicles

EV-maker Eli launches its $11,900 electric micro ‘car’ in the US

EV-maker Eli launches its $11,900 electric micro ‘car’ in the US



  1. These are one step up from golf carts in that they are enclosed. Otherwise, the same basic restrictions in the US. Most places in the US really can’t accommodate them without violating the law.

    If you really can’t go faster than 25mph; you won’t be able to break the law, but you’ll get run down if you venture out to higher speed limit streets. We just aren’t set up to let you get where you need to go on 20-30mph streets.

  2. Extra-Kale

    > Microcars, often referred to as quadricycles in Europe and Low-Speed Vehicles (LSVs) or Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs) in the US

    This is not quite correct; Europe’s quadricycles and the USA’s LSV are specific legal categories so not all microcars comply with their requirements. Japan also has their own categories with different limitations.

  3. Such-Echo6002

    It’s the It from early 2000s South Park

  4. MeteorOnMars

    Dang! I was really interested in this car for a while, but gave up. Now I don’t need a new car. 🙁

  5. NightOfTheLivingHam

    or you could buy a used nissan leaf and get a better car

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