
You are a German child and your parents just bought you this. What are you thinking?

You are a German child and your parents just bought you this. What are you thinking?

by 17parkc


  1. Usual-Nectarine3734

    Is this the Richard Hammond action figure set? (That is if top gear is popular in Deutschland which I have no idea if it is or not)

  2. kyle_kafsky

    This is pick up truck propaganda. It belongs in the trash.

  3. ehhhhh710

    I’m thinking of asking why a Ducati ? lol

  4. SebiXV20

    I’m Polish and I still have a Land Rover Defender and a DHL Mercedes Sprinter from Bruder that my parent’s bought me when I was like 10

  5. guntanksinspace

    But mutter, I wanted the VW Golf GTI Die Cast…

    Never the less, Danke Schoen

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