
Every vehicle has a story. Here’s every vehicle I’ve owned in order so far. (M22)

Every vehicle has a story. Here’s every vehicle I’ve owned in order so far. (M22)

by SorrowCat14


  1. alkie90210

    It amazed me how much oil a Corolla could burn. I had a 2000 that I bought in 2001 and by 2005, it was blasting through oil at an insane rate. I got rid of it. Lol

  2. BcuzRacecar

    6th gen accord goated Im sorry for your loss

  3. Beneficial-Sugar6950

    I’m not surprised about the Jeep

  4. Jackson_Rhodes_42

    Current car is a ’99 Civic. I feel your pain about the Accord! Would love a B-Series/Ranger, but they’re super expensive right now. Guess people have caught on!

  5. Feisty-Session-7779

    I had that same generation Corolla but an 02, same colour and everything. It was my first car too. Only reason I got rid of it was because it was just super old and dated so I replaced it with a newer Corolla that I still have.

  6. sayzitlikeitis

    What an odd bike. I thought the blurb was about how you took out the engine to replace it with an electric.

  7. Player2BNamedLater

    I had a 98 accord lx manual and the interior was fantastic for a basic car. The original clutch lasted to 180k miles. You see them everywhere still with the faded paint and no hubcaps.

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