Electric Vehicles

Bill introduced to stop electric vehicle tax credits

Bill introduced to stop electric vehicle tax credits

by MikeDoughney


  1. MikeDoughney

    The irony of this bill being introduced is that, as much as anti-EV hecklers are always posting photos of coal trains and insisting that EV’s are fueled with coal (and presumably, creating even more of a demand for coal), the lead co-sponsors on this trash are from Wyoming and West Virginia, the nation’s top coal mining states. Joe Manchin, likewise, approvingly weighed in.

  2. HappilyhiketheHump

    Parts of this bill make sense, like closing the leasing loophole and preventing the watering down of domestic content rules that were part of the Inflation Reduction Act.

    I’d also like to see an accumulated/total wealth eligibility requirement in addition to the income requirement to receive a subsidy as the wealthy and businesses are exploiting this tax credit.

    I do want to see more subsidies and support for charging installation/maintenance and a subsidy that is based on the sale price of the car. The cheaper the car, the higher the subsidies to encourage development of affordable EV’s for the masses in the US.

    Ending all subsidies is wrong at this time, but there is no reason they can’t be improved on.

  3. lucidguppy

    They can get rid of the subsidy after they get rid of these subsidies

    Also the government has set up a transportation network and zoning that practically equates to a tipped scale in favor of rock juice companies. Mexico can drive a fucking truck all around the US – but a foreign shipping vessel can’t go up and down our coasts and take shipping with it. The east and west coasts are 1000 lane highways that we don’t even think of using. Shipping that could be electrified eventually – or get this – wind powered.

    FFS – we grow food and feed it to cars when people are still going hungry…THAT is how fucked up we are.

  4. expatriato

    Fossils representing the fossil fuel industry…

  5. westni1e

    It’s not enough to not support green initiatives, I guess they actively fight them now. Just ban coal already. The cost in human lives alone does not make it worth it and the fact it is the most dirty form of energy known to man.

    Then get rid of the coal tax credit too.

  6. DeD4bREaD

    And just yesterday, someone in this sub called me “over the top” and said I was drinking Kool aid when I suggested the GOP was planning to end EV tax credits. Imagine that…

  7. RandomCoolzip2

    You know what? There’s a climate crisis. You know who is being hurt first and worst by it? People in red states. Republicans don’t give a hoot about the people they supposedly represent. You know why? They really represent Big Oil and Big Money.

  8. santz007

    America is not ruled by people anymore, it’s ruled by Big Oil and those politicians associated with it

  9. timelessblur

    I agree to this proving all subsidies and tax breaks for oil companies are revoked as well. I can promise you one is by far bigger and it isn’t EVs

  10. ericgonzalez

    Attach a rider to the bill ending coal subsidies, and watch this embarrassment of a congresswoman reverse course on the whole bill faster than you can say “paid for by coal”.

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