Electric Vehicles

UK’s ‘Daily Mail’ admits making up story about EVs causing potholes

UK’s ‘Daily Mail’ admits making up story about EVs causing potholes

by Dreaming_Blackbirds


  1. LtEFScott

    As we say in the UK

    The Daily Fail fails, daily.

  2. TacomaKMart

    Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it. – Jonathan Swift

    A lot more people will have read and forwarded the original article. I doubt many EV sceptics would even bother reading the correction. 

  3. The DM, like much of the right wing media is anti-EV. They seem to have taken the idea of heavier cars causing more damage to road, conflated that with the fact that on a like-for-like basis EV cars are heavier than their ICE counterpart and have drawn their own conclusions that weren’t in the original report.

  4. EqualShallot1151

    Are there any statistics on the number of vehicles and their average weight relative to the number of pot holes available?

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