
Thoughts on the new Integra?

Thoughts on the new Integra?

by SeawardFriend


  1. godlike_torben1

    looks ai generated even tho its a real car

  2. OkBeautiful5324

    It’s definitely a Civic, but for america

  3. Roboticpoultry

    Glad they’re making it, will never be able to afford the fast one

  4. AlmostaFarma

    Looks amazing and everything I read indicates it’s a great driver’s car.

    Too fucking expensive.

  5. BcuzRacecar

    its a civic with better interior materials which is a great car so its a great car. base model is slow and poor mpg tho, type s great but they dont make any so whatever.

  6. Worldly-Scratch-4831

    No way to have a sacked two door shit box in 10 years? No thanks.

  7. rangerhans

    Recycled name for a car they’d struggle to sell otherwise

    It’s probably a good car, but nothing like the original integra. (Kinda like the NSX in that way)

  8. Apprehensive-Ebb7647

    its an integra. an upmarketed civic. just like all the integra’s were

  9. FPS-Drew

    It just needs to change everything and I would buy one. Smaller, lighter, manual, two door…

  10. 243898990

    A car we will look back on as another car the internet tried to get us to hate for no reason

  11. Tchukachinchina

    The pics haven’t really done anything for me, but I saw one in person recently and really liked it. Strong contender for my next DD when my current one dies.

  12. Barack_Odrama_007

    Not interested unless they offer ventilated seats. Even a Jetta and Elantra will offer that

  13. SlyBlackDragon

    Seems nice, but I’ll never be able to afford it. It sucks that every new car is enormous, but at least it’s a sports sedan and not a crossover.

  14. GrayBeardGamerWV

    Looks like every other car out there.

  15. durrtyurr

    I like it, it is very honest about what it is. A slightly fancier and better equipped Civic for 10-15% more money. The same as it has always been.

  16. Zealousideal_Sir_264

    Glad they are making it. Wil never spend 50k on a Honda. Them shits are 800$.

  17. MinimumMonitor8

    It looks nice, but how often do you have to do maintenance.

  18. Jake3232323

    As someone who isn’t all that much of a fan of the Civic or Honda as a whole(great economy cars but not particularly nice or special for the most part), I actually like this.

    I like the exterior styling, it has good performance, and I hear that the ELS 3D Studio sound system is pretty good. Also, factor in that it’s a Honda, so reliability should be good. I just wish it was AWD.

  19. Intelligent-Salt-362

    I had an 01’ GSR (dad bought it new then handed it down to me when my car died) which had the R motor, but still had the nice stuff they typically removed for the type R (power everything, leather, sunroof). It was a 5 speed and was a fun little car. It handled like a go-cart and have just enough power to feel zippy (and I did drive the shit out of it).

    Now, at the time, I think it was like 25K (out the door), which means that based on inflation 50K for it actually tracks. However, this doesn’t look like it will handle the same at all. The cars today are bloated and much heavier (net says about 2600lbs, but it felt lighter) whereas today the new one is over 3000lbs and only adds 30hp to compensate for that. Honestly, I can’t imagine paying nearly double for even the same degree of performance 20 years later, when there are better value propositions in the market.

  20. Designer_Twist4699

    10/10 imo it fits perfectly for what it is

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