
Saw this rad Cyclone out and about! Never seen one in person before!

Saw this rad Cyclone out and about! Never seen one in person before!

by Piffgb


  1. thewildbeej

    My Dad had a 71 just like it grabber blue. It got rear ended and totaled in the late 80s. Our mechanic friend had one sitting around being stored exactly like this but just completely ratted out. A storm came through and dropped a pine tree on the top and back around 2015. Completely destroyed it.

  2. Jalopy_Junkie

    A buddy of mine had a red one in high school (class of 2000 so it was already a classic musclecar by that time) w a 429 Super Cobra Jet “Drag Pack” that his father ordered new. Had a “no spin” locked rear differential and would punch you in the stomach in 1st gear. It got like 4 miles/gallon but it was pure fun and absolutely insanity on wheels.

    Looking back idk why anyone would let a 17 year old get behind the wheel of that machine.

  3. Obstreporous1

    Had a ‘70 Montego MX with the 302 for eight years. Cruised like a dream, especially on the highway. Wonderful car, highly under appreciated muscle car.

  4. I had a chance to buy one in the mid ’90s with a 429, guy only wanted a couple grand for it. only one I had ever seen until about 10 years ago. Interesting cars

  5. eddyvette

    I had a 71 with the Cleveland in the late 90’s. Was really cool. Loved how the gauges were individually placed in the dash board across the center towards the passenger side, all angled to the drivers eye. I was the last owner of a few owners in town. Eventually the frame broke and the car went swayback 😪.
    Always had problems with the hideaway headlights.

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