Electric Vehicles

The 2024 Dodge Charger Scat Pack’s Terrible 260-Mile Range Is Still Better Than A 1968 Charger’s

The 2024 Dodge Charger Scat Pack’s Terrible 260-Mile Range Is Still Better Than A 1968 Charger’s

by bbrk9845


  1. dustyshades

    Look – I’ll always be down for taking a shot on stellantis, but 260 miles is fine. Especially for a car you’re probably not road tripping in. The efficiency for sure is on the sucky side especially for the type of vehicle, but that’s what the headline should be instead of the range

  2. saryiahan

    Why are we comparing a retro muscle car to an EV? They are both totally different animals.

  3. Is that with flooring it all the time like people will?

  4. What-tha-fck_Elon

    No one is buying a Charger “scat pack” for max range and efficiency – just like they don’t buy a Hellcat for fuel economy. This is fun to see and I think Dodge has the right take for their base.

  5. I’m not a muscle car guy so calling a car a “scat pack” sounds like a euphemism for a sack of shit

  6. UncommercializedKat

    What a garbage article. Complaining about range on a muscle car is like complaining that a pick up truck was slow around the race track. A car isn’t good at something jt wasn’t designed to be good at. Shocking.

    We should be praising Dodge for building an EV that’s not another boring SUV.

  7. I’m so sick of people thinking they need 500 miles of range for their daily average commute. I’ve had a standard range model 3 for 4 years and have never once been concerned about range during normal daily driving. This has 40 more miles of range than my car, not sure what the problem is.

  8. Posts like this remind me that the electric car enthusiast is not actually part of the traditional car enthusiast group

  9. BlazinAzn38

    It’s a Scat Pack, what are we talking about? Oh no the Hummer EV isn’t as efficient as a Prius, oh no the Corvette isn’t as efficient as a Civic. This car isn’t meant to be efficient

  10. HighClassProletariat

    260 miles means nothing. How many street takeovers can you do per charge? /s

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